Faculty Profile

Pardha Saradhi M
Assistant Professor
Area: Accounting, Economics and Finance
Edu: Master’s Degree in Commerce
Experience : 26 Years
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +91-7799207014
He holds degress of MBA (Finance), M.Com, CFP, FIII, PGDPM. He is a experience faculty with 18 years of teaching experience and 5 years of industry experience. His present areas of academic interests include International Finance, Managerial Accounting, Personal Financial Planning. He has acted as resource person for many MDPs, FDPs, and SDPs, Currently he is pursuing his doctoral studies at CESS, Hyderabad and his doctoral research topic relates to ‘Content Analysis of Narratives in Annual Reports Published by BSE-100 Companies”.
- Accounting
- Personal Finance and Mergers & Acquisitions
- Received Best Teacher and Researcher Award in 2020